The beauty of Bogor highway is indeed very enticing. Since the Dutch era, this place is often visited because it has the charm of a cool air and beautiful natural scenery. Since the Dutch colonial era Puncak Bogor has been known as a mountain resort that wants to breathe fresh air of the plateau. With stunning views from the peak of the Salak volcano, Gede and Pangrango with a stretch of tea gardens and river gurgling streams.
The landscape around the Puncak Bogor is special with the beautiful white mosque. Its dome design covers the main part of this mosque. The location of this mosque is very contrast compared with the surrounding environment in the form of tea garden.
The name of the mosque is Attaawun. Ta'awun comes from the Arabic Ta'awana, Yata'aawuna, Ta'awuna, which meansHelp each other, mutual help with fellow human beings.
The Following Data About Attaawun Mosque :
Jl. Raya Puncak Km 91. Kel.Tugu Selatan, Kec.Cisarua, Bogor
Surface area | : | 10.000 m2 |
Land Status | : | SHM |
Luas Bangunan | : | 300 m2 |
Since | : | 1997 |
Capacity Jamaah | : | 700 |
No Telp/Faks | : | 0251 258054 / - |
Facility | : | Parking, Parks, Warehouses, Shoes / Slippers, Study Room (TPA / Madrasah), Shops, Hall of Multifunction, Cooperative, Library, Office of Secretariat, Sound System and Multimedia, Generator / Genset, Bathroom / WC, , Place of worship |
Activities | : | Empowerment of Zakat, Infaq, Shodaqoh and Waqf, Organizing educational activities (TPA, Madrasah, Community Learning Center), Organizing sociology-economic activities (Cooperative mosque), Organizing Recreation Routine, Organizing Islamic Da'wah / Tabliq Akbar, Organizing Islamic Day Activities, Friday Prayers, Conducting Fardhu Prayer Service |
Number of Managers | : | 30 |
The exterior of the mosque is surrounded by a well-arranged garden. There is a fish pond in the mosque environment that contains ornamental fish such as Koi fish and goldfish. The beauty of this mosque environment, is the result of hard work of mosque board which is managed by Islamic Center Management Board (BPIC) West Java Provincial Government, DKM Masjid Atta'awun.
In one part of the mosque, has been posted announcements, invitation to make the mosque as a means of Worship, Tasyakur, Tafakur and Taddabur. Maintain and maintain the sanctity of the mosque, dress courteously, not tight and not transparent. Do not eat, drink and smoke inside the mosque.
Interior Mosque like most mosques in Indonesia, inside the Atta'awun Mosque there is a pulpit for preachers to start khutbah. But the special here, ornaments in the mosque in the dominance of wood, both the room around the pulpit and the floor.
To add devotion in worship, on the front of the mosque is coated with a thick and soft carpet. This is quite important considering the air at the Puncak Bogor is quite cold and piercing bones. Inside the interior environment of the mosque there is also a timepiece that shows the prayer time 5 times.
This mosque is surrounded with special with stained glass that has a special pattern and color. This makes when the sunlight passes through this glass, will create a variety of colors. Making this stained glass requires a blend of art coloring, cutting, to assemble small glass panels, then arrange them into an artistic form.
The neighborhood of Atta'awun Mosque is beautiful, plus the construction of an artificial mini waterfall behind the mosque complex. Curug or waterfall is deliberately made staircase terraces to add beauty and gurgling water that passes make the atmosphere more peaceful.
Well, are you more curious about the location of religious tourism on this one? Just come, its not far from Jakarta.
Regards Travel Indonesia
Atta'awun Mosque Location
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